Operation Hours: 8800
Acres: N/A
Bale Count 1 : N/A
Options:Cab: Cab
Front Axle: MFWD
Transmission: Power Shift
Rear PTO: 1000
Rear Tires: Duals
Tire Width: Mid
Nice Last year JD 8300 MFWD Tractor, Rear 18.4R46 Duals, Front 16.9R30's, Front fenders, Large Hyd Pump w/4 Hydraulics, Large 1000 PTO, Integrated Auto Trac Steering Valve, and Greenstar Wiring with Implement Connector. Was used on JD Exact Emerge Planter, and Grain cart. Slighty used front Degelman for snow removal on the farm. Never in a livestock yard. Always shedded and well maintained. $79.5K for just the 8300 Tractor. $17K for just the Degelman blade by itself. $94.5k discounted price for the Package.
Address:1819 Chiefs Way
Wayne, NE 68787
Phone: (402) 375-3325
Category:Row Crop Tractors
Serial Number:RW8300P024117